AIP at Chitrakut

By Acarya Dasa (Padayatra leader)

Padayatra reached Chitrakoot on 24th June and we stayed at Chitrakoot  around 12-13 days. Keeping the padayatra chariot there, we went to Pandharpur for the Vyas Puja of our spiritual master Lokanath Maharaja.  When Uttar Pradesh Padayatra visited Chitrakoot they had to struggle a lot for their stay, they  had to pay Rs. 1000 per day. So we were  little worried, But Lord shows the day. We visited the same  dharmashala where we had stayed 10 years back during our last round to Chitrakoot and by the mercy of Sri Sri Nitai Gaursundar, Nirbhay Maharaja of the dharmashalla recognized us. He managed our staying, prasadam, and also arranged grass for our oxen,  for as many days  we would stay there.

Prabhu Ramchandra stayed at Chitrakoot for 11 years. There are lot of  past-times place of Lord Rama. Here, we also find rock called Sphatik Shila where Shree Ram and Sita Maiya would sit on the banks of River Mandakini, the Sphatik shila is believed to be the spot from where Lord Rama and Goddess Sita appreciated the beauty of Chitrakoot. The place is hidden amidst thick forests.

One time, Shri Ram did sringar of  Mother Sita. Mother Sita is a mother of whole world. Later, the son of Indra named Jayant got attracted by the beauty of Sita and appeared there in the form of a cow. The crow then attacked her. The crow pecks at her twice on her feet. Furious with him, Lord Rama shot a blade of grass to kill him. He escaped and arrived at Indralok (the abode of Lord Indra, his father) but was disappointed when his father refused to help him in any way. Scared, guilty and filled with remorse, he returned to the scene and threw himself at Lord Rama’s feet, begging forgiveness.

We also took darsana of  Sati Anusuya Ashram located at a distance of about 16 km from the town of Chitrakoot. It marks the place where they lived and meditated. It is set amidst dense forests. Further, we visited the places like Gupta Godavari, Hanuman dhara and many other.

Where ever we went utsava deities of Sri Sri Nitai Gaurasundar were with us. We performed sankirtana and distributed prasadam at many places, also performed  parikrama of Kamatgiri mountain. When we visited  the local devotee named Anant Balaram Prabhu who is a disciple of Jayapataka Maharaja. He was  very happy by receving the padayatra. He arranged everything, and also offered 56 bhogas for the Lord.

After that, while moving from Chitrakoot to Prayagraj, he stayed with us for 2-3 days and arranged everything.

We also went to the famous Rama Ghat on Mandakini river and performed Gaura Arati there. Many people joined us and danced till their hearts content. They were pleased to see orange dressed saints singing and dancing jai sri rama jai sri rama…

There are special places in Chitrakoot. It’s our fortune that along with Sri Sri Nitai Gaurasunadra we could also stay there and had darsana of Pastime places  of Lord Rama.

Jai Sri Rama.