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By Jayabhadra devi dasi, ISKCON Amravati

Amravati’s ISKCON Girls’ Forum (IGF) has not been able to hold its annual Vaishnavi padayatra due to the coronavirus pandemic. Padayatra has always been our priority and we were all missing it, but we were helpless.

The IGF matajis were recently sharing last year’s pictures with each other and recalling those wonderful padayatra experiences, as well as Srila Gurudev’s expressed desire on his seventy-second vyasa-puja to do padayatras and increase preaching: “It’s the best way to preach, going on padayatra with sankirtan and our weapons, Srila Prabhupada’s books.” When people see the devotees chanting, they get inspired by hearing the Lord’s holy name.

With padayatra always on my mind I met Bhakta Pawan from Talegaon Thakur who invited me for a matajis’ programme in the village. I was very pleased, now my heart’s desire was to be fulfilled. I happily agreed and added, “We can also have a one-day padayatra.”

We planned to do the walk on July 21, but as it had been raining continuously for three or four days it was looking impossible. Pawan called me many times asking, “Mataji, are you coming? It’s still raining.” Each time I told him that I’d come whatever happened. When the day arrived, it was cloudy but raining only slightly. Pawan called again to ask if I would travel and I told him I would, “and if it rains, we’ll sit at one place and have sankirtan.” I had requested Yugadharma Harinama dasa from ISKCON Kaundanyapur to perform sankirtan on our padayatra and it gave me strength when he agreed and said he would also bring devotees Bhakta Rahul, Bhakta Mayur and Bhakta Jitendra.

Meghashyam prabhu and our son Nimai and I arrived at Talegaon Thakur by 9am. Pawan prabhu had made all the arrangements. I took a banner and flags with me for the padayatra and mantra stickers for distribution and the Kaundanyapur team brought chanting beads, tulsi neck-beads and books for distribution. Pawan had preached in the village previously and his parents and a few matajis were already chanting sixteen rounds, following ekadasi and wearing neck-beads, so it was a very easy job for us. People had already assembled at a small Sri Ram, Laxman and Sita Maiya temple. Yugadharma Harinama Dasa performed sankirtan and hearing that many others also joined. As black clouds filled the sky Pawan came running: “Mataji, let us move. It will rain.” I prayed to Sri Sri Nitai-Gaurasundar: “O Lord! We have come out for padayatra after two years. Please help us. Oh, clouds go to Tivasa (a nearby town). Bless us to preach and let our padayatra be successful.” I looked at Their Lordships’ photograph which we had brought with us and placed in the Ram temple. “O Lord, we are carrying You with us, how can we be defeated. You are merciful, please help.” And soon the clouds moved away. We were all happy and chanted loudly. It reminded us of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s megher char pastime. It’s all the mercy of the Lord.

Arati was performed of Sri Sri Nitai-Gaurasundar by the pujari and Pawan’s parents and then we started our padayatra. As the sankirtan was going on people came out of their houses to see who was passing by. Many asked, “from where has this palakhi come?” At every square we did announcements and explained the importance of the holy names. Everyone was happily walking and singing as matajis danced and played traditional fugadi like the Warkaris. Many of the ladies had not worn slippers saying, “we are walking for the Lord; so no need of footwear.”

Children held the padayatra banner and matajis held the photograph of Sri Sri Nitai-Gaurasundar. We stopped at a Hanuman temple and danced there and then at the Sri Ram temple and at a Rukmini temple and eventually walked all over the village. At every stop the pujari would break a coconut and distribute to all. We handed mantra stickers to the villagers as we walked, with those who did not receive a sticker came running after us to ask for one. Villagers are simple people who normally go out early morning to their farms, but as it had been raining for a few days, they were at home. More than fifty people joined us and many heard the holy names.

We then returned to the Ram temple and after some rest each of us addressed the public. I displayed the books and chanting beads and malas. I felt the village people may not buy books, but to my surprise all the small books were taken and still they were asking, “Do you have a small book with a photo of Krishna on the cover?” I was amazed to distribute about fifty small books.

I personally thanked all the assembled padayatris, the temple pujari and especially Pawan prabhu; all credit to him that he called on us. I also thanked the Kaundanyapur sankirtan team. Without sankirtan, padayatra would not be as effective. Several village matajis thanked me and invited me to come again. They were all inspired by Nimai dressed as a Vaishnava.

Yugadharma Harinama will be regularly visiting Talegaon Thakur henceforth.

All thanks to you, Srila Gurudev. You always inspire us and make your lazy kids serve somehow.

Jai Srila Prabhupada.

Jai Srila Gurudev.